Thursday, October 11, 2007

Channel 3 Eye on Health Special Report on the GetFIT Challenge

Getfit Challenge

Kim witt has battled with her weight most of her life.

Kim says " I put on more pounds and more pounds before I came to Dave I weighed 217 pounds."

At her heaviest, Kim says she weighed almost 220 pounds.

Kim decided it was time to take control and make a change so she started working out with personal trainer david duford.

David says "if you don't give yourself some time to devote to exercise getting in shape eating right in your later years you will not have the quality of life to sit back and enjoy." kim not only devoted time to exercise and a healthier diet, she also took david up on a challenge, a 12 week getfit challenge to lose 20 pounds. and everyone will be able to monitor her progress on youtube and a daily blog.

Kim says "He challenged me to do this for 12 weeks and I was game for it, it helped motivate me to do this for myself and my family and everyone that will be watching."

Kim works out with David three times a week and then she works out on her own other days of the week.

Kim no longer wanted to be part of the growing statistics that showed 66 percent of u.s adults are overweight.

(additional information) To watch Kim's progress go to Youtube, and check her daily blog at

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